The Apple Sales & Market…source Library 1999 April
Resource Library Apr 99-2.toast
Quest for Glory V-Dragon Fire
Read Me
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347 lines
You are standing on the deserted shore. The night stars twinkle above you.
Suddenly, a sailor appears, rowing furiously toward you. Arrows pepper his small
boat, but he appears unharmed. He leaps from his boat, speaking urgently!
He shouts, "What can I do in this demo?"
You explain, "This demo contains two rooms from the full game. You are dropped off
on the island of Sifnos. Your mission is to beat the hostile guards, the centaur
wizard, and the general. You can choose to be a fighter or a wizard. The thief and
paladin character classes are available only in the full game. There is no option in
this demo to save, restore, or import your Hero from a previous Quest for Glory game."
He thinks about this for a moment, then states, "Where can I find more information
on how to play the game?"
You opine, "Once you are on the island, press the ESC key to bring up the game's
control menu. Click on the MANUAL button and start reading."
He quizzes, "Please tell me a few things I should know right away! The guards are
chasing me!"
You state, "Press the I key on your keyboard to access your Inventory screen. You
can drag various items like the healing pills to your tool belt (the black area
at the bottom of the screen). Press the E key on your keyboard to equip your Hero
with armor. If you are a wizard, you can press the S key to see various spells you
can drag to your tool belt. Press ESC to return to the game. Now go get those guards!"
He insists, "I'm using Windows. My mouse doesn't work properly! It's difficult to
click on things. Help me!"
You reply, "Try turning off the video card's acceleration. In Windows, click on Start,
Settings, Control Panel, System, Performance, then Graphics. Turn off the Hardware
He asks, "OK, I defeated EVERYONE in the demo. Now I'm just standing around. What do
I do now?"
You answer, "Press the ESC key on your keyboard. Click on the QUIT button. You can
choose to play the demo again using another character class by clicking RESTART, or you
can choose to QUIT the game."
He thinks about this for a moment, then states, "How do I put away an object
I'm dragging around the screen?"
You opine, "Let's say you're dragging the coin around the screen. Click the hand cursor
on the coin in your "tool belt", that area at the bottom of the screen. Now you'll get
only the hand cursor. Windows users can also right-click until you just get the hand pointer.
Mac users can hold down the COMMAND key (the one with the Apple on it) and click the mouse
button to cycle through the game pointers."
A sudden clap of thunder startles both of you. Storm clouds slowly roll in.
The sailor continues...
He questions, "The game runs choppy. What can I do to make it run faster?"
You answer, "You can do a few things to improve the game's performance. Here's a list:
- Press the ESC key, then click on the CONTROLS button. Set the Detail level to Minimum.
This will turn off some of the processor intensive special effects, like rippling water.
- Press the Backslash key (\) to run the game in a bordered window, instead of full screen.
This will help speed up the game.
- Make sure your computer is not running background tasks while you are playing the game.
If you are running a program in the background, such as a virus checker, this will take
processing time and memory away from the game, and may slow down the game.
- If you have a Mac with only 32 meg of RAM, make sure you have virtual memory turned on.
To see if virtual memory is on, click on the Apple icon in the upper left corner of the
screen, select Control panels, then select Memory. Make sure Virtual Memory is on.
Suddenly, the first light of dawn races across the sky. You are reminded of the time,
and bid the Hero to return to the Quest.
The Hero smiles, leaps back into the boat, and quickly rows out of sight.
You silently wish the Hero good luck.
And now for something completely different...
Welcome to the Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire demo!
This document contains last-minute information about Quest for Glory V:
Dragon Fire and other information about the program not found in the Help
Files. This README file includes information that pertains to general
problems and questions you may have concerning this software or your
computer. Should you experience any problems with Quest for Glory V: Dragon
Fire, please refer to this file for addition help on answering questions
about the game and solving technical difficulties.
Pentium 166, Win 95, 32 meg RAM, Sound card, 70 meg of available hard drive
space (not including space reserved by Windows' swap file). You'll also need
to have Microsoft's DirectX installed. If you have Internet access, you can
find the latest version of DirectX at www.microsoft.com/directx
Power Mac or iMac, 120 Mhz, System 7.5 or better, 32 meg RAM, 70 meg of
available hard drive space (not including space reserved by the Mac's virtual
If the game seems to be running slowly, try any of the following to
get better game performance:
1) Check and make sure your computer meets the minimum
performance standards listed on the game box.
2) Make sure that you have no other programs running while you
are playing Dragon Fire. The more memory available, the faster
the game will run. Some background programs (that run once you
start up your system, such as a virus checker) take up computer
time and might cause the game to run choppy.
For the latest Quest for Glory news, check out http://www.qg5.com
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